There’s Something I need to Tell You

Sometimes I think it would be nice you know. To have another one. To cradle a brand new beautiful bundle of joy in my arms. To feel the joy and love and have the chance to grow and nurture another little person. To have them fully reliant on you for everything.’

To watch them experience their firsts all over again and marvel at the totally adorable and amazing things they do. Delight in everything they do and this time it would all be so magical. To give in to the no longer silent ticking of her biological clock, it stopped being a silent thought in the back of mind a long, long time ago and is now that all consuming urge, a need and a basic human right to once again feel the miracle of life grow and develop all inside that tiny space inside you.’

Sat there quietly sipping her coffee at the window of Starbucks, the warm silky smooth flavours of coffee and caramel combined seeped into her veins like the life force she so desperately needed. She didn’t even notice she was staring but those tiny blue eyes peering up at her from the parked up top of the range stroller grabbed her attention and she couldn’t help herself. Oh, to do it all again she thought waving to the golden haired cherub faced babe in front of her. The smile was enough to melt your heart, and those cheeks rosy from the chilly November wind had pinch me written all over them.

The shrill tones of the mobile sat at the bottom of her tatty old tan leather bag brought her back into the here and now and she noticed the object of her attention had company and were off on their way. I wonder where she thought as she dug her phone out to read the text.

                  running late, on my way make mine a large, mocha extra shot xx

Typical Tammy she thought, not changed a bit since we were kids. With a sigh Carly rose from her comfy spot on the sofa resting against the wall with a perfect view of the seafront to go and put her order in. May as well have another myself then she thought and gave the young barista her order once more.

Carly didn’t have much time to ponder on her previous thoughts before her new steaming hot drink appeared in front of her. Where did all that come from she thought. I mean, I only ever wanted the one and boy was Joel enough for me. At 7 my sleepless nights are over and we have a great routine now between me and his dad. Did I need a new hobby Carly wondered? Some extra shifts at work maybe? I mean I’m single for gods sake, hopelessly and stubbornly single. And happy with it too and have been for the past 5 years. Tammy would find this hysterical, currently on her way from a school and nursery drop off after swiftly pushing the teen up out of bed and out of the door.

But Carly, Tammy would say, you learnt from my mistakes didn’t you. Stopping at the one, keeping some resemblance of your figure and sanity don’t do it girl just don’t. Tammy loves her kids, Carly knows that even when dealing with a poonami at 3am on 3 hours sleep and having to be up in 3 more to pack 2 lunches, sort uniforms and spend god knows how long on making sure she was catwalk ready before even leaving the bedroom. This had always baffled Carly, even pre Joel days she couldn’t achieve that level of perfection even on a full nights sleep and a full You Tube tutorial going on in front of her by someone barely out of nappies herself applying the most perfect eyeliner she had ever seen and simultaneously leaving her baffled and in complete awe whilst looking at her own dodgy attempt, uneven and clumsy at best!

She felt the cool sea breeze as the door swung open letting a host of autumns golden leaves and one extremely late, and non plussed, Mrs. Tammy Wainwright. Oh yes, she bagged the husband too, with the 6 figure salary leaving her with the option, which she chose, to be the all nurturing and fabulous stay at home mum she always wanted to be.

‘Sorry I’m late babes’ she said ‘Ooohh is this one mine, god I need this today’ and that was that. You wouldn’t think that there was none stop texting, whatsapping each other and occasional face timing from the boys, who were born exactly 2 months apart, Carly’s first and Tammy’s second. Conversation flowed easy and as always was aminated and completely dominated with tales of the wild and unruly children from both sides. At least the baby is good ‘un they both agreed.

Only this time it was different. Carly had something she desperately needed to tell Tammy. She hadn’t told a soul in the whole 2 weeks it had been since she found out and was thanking her lucky stars that she picked this place to tell her at exactly the right time, now she just needed the courage. How on earth do you tell someone something like this. Something this big I just don’t know Carly thought. Should I just come out and say it? Break it to her gently? Taking a deep breath Carly knew it had to be done and it had to be now.

                             ‘So Tammy there’s something I need to tell you……………..’

To be continued………………………

As part of my ‘what I want to be when I grow up’ idea, this short story idea was first written by Tracey Bowden to develop my writing skills and see if I have it in me to write a full story actually worth reading. Please feel free to leave me any comments, tips, advice or just to speculate on what it is she needs to say, as always this is a rough draft. Thank you.
UPDATE: You can now read parts two and threeTammy and Paul and Life After Death. As always thank you for reading I hope you enjoy them x
Prose for Thought

Writing Bubble

30 thoughts on “There’s Something I need to Tell You”

  1. Ohh I love this!! I’m really intrigue now to know what is happening next!! Now you will have to write Part 2 ASAP as we are all looking forward to finding out what will she tell to Tammy!!! Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. I’m so happy to see you again here for this week!! 🙂 xx

  2. Oh gosh this really drew me in its really captivating. I seriously can’t wait to find out what she has to tell Tammy! Xx #KCACOLS

  3. Oh wow, this is great! I want to find out what happens next. It’s amazing that you have managed so much character development in such a short space. I’m already invested in them. Wonderful writing #prose4t


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